How to Get Emergency Dental Care

When a dental emergency strikes, it’s crucial to know how to access immediate care to alleviate pain and prevent further complications. A dental emergency can happen unexpectedly, causing severe discomfort and potentially affecting your oral health. This article provides essential information and actionable steps on how to get emergency dental care promptly.

Key Takeaways:

  • Understand what qualifies as a dental emergency to know when immediate care is necessary.
  • Prepare an emergency dental kit with essential items such as sterile gauze, pain relievers, and your dentist’s contact information.
  • Seek temporary relief at home by rinsing with warm saltwater and applying a cold compress, but remember to seek professional care.
  • Contact your dentist immediately when a dental emergency occurs, providing clear details of the situation.
  • If your regular dentist is unavailable, find an emergency dental clinic through online searches or local hospitals.
  • Expect prompt attention and necessary treatment when visiting an emergency dental clinic.
  • Inquire about fees and payment options before receiving emergency dental care.
  • Maintain good oral health after a dental emergency by following post-treatment instructions and practicing proper oral hygiene habits.
  • Attend follow-up appointments as advised by your dentist to monitor your progress.
  • Understand the signs and symptoms of dental emergencies to know when to seek immediate care.

What Are Dental Emergencies?

Dental emergencies typically involve severe pain, bleeding, or injury to the teeth, gums, or mouth. Examples include knocked-out teeth, severe toothaches, fractured teeth, loose or displaced fillings, and abscesses. It’s important to differentiate between urgent situations that require immediate care and non-emergency dental issues that can wait for regular office hours.

Preparing for Dental Emergencies

It’s wise to be prepared for dental emergencies by having essential items readily available. Create an emergency dental kit containing items such as sterile gauze, a small container with a lid, over-the-counter pain relievers, a dental mirror, and the contact information for your dentist. Additionally, familiarize yourself with basic first aid procedures for common dental emergencies.

Seeking Immediate Relief at Home

While waiting for professional dental care, there are measures you can take at home to alleviate pain and minimize further damage. Rinse your mouth with warm saltwater to reduce swelling and cleanse the affected area. Applying a cold compress to your cheek can help relieve pain and reduce swelling as well. However, it’s crucial to remember that these home remedies are temporary solutions and that seeking professional care is vital.

Contacting Your Dentist

When a dental emergency occurs, contact your dentist’s office immediately. Explain the situation clearly and provide all relevant details to ensure they understand the urgency. Dentists often leave slots in their schedules for emergency cases, and they will advise you on the next steps. If your dentist is unavailable, ask for recommendations on other emergency dental clinics or practitioners.

Locating an Emergency Dental Clinic

If you cannot reach your regular dentist or require immediate care outside of regular office hours, finding an emergency dental clinic is crucial. Conduct a quick search online or call your local hospital for information on emergency dental services. Many areas have specialised clinics that cater specifically to dental emergencies and operate beyond normal business hours.

What to Expect During an Emergency Dental Visit

When you visit an emergency dental clinic, you can expect prompt attention and swift action to address your dental issue. The dentist will assess your condition, potentially take X-rays for a more accurate diagnosis, and provide appropriate treatment. The exact procedures will vary depending on the nature of the emergency, but the primary goal is to alleviate pain, stop bleeding if present, and stabilise the situation.

Financing Emergency Dental Care

Emergency dental care may have associated costs, depending on your location and insurance coverage. It’s important to inquire about the fees and payment options before receiving treatment. Some dental clinics offer financing plans or accept credit cards, while others may require upfront payment. If you have dental insurance, familiarise yourself with the coverage for emergency services to ensure you understand any limitations or requirements.

Maintaining Oral Health After a Dental Emergency

After receiving emergency dental care, it’s essential to maintain good oral health to prevent further complications. Follow any post-treatment instructions provided by your dentist, such as taking prescribed medication or avoiding certain foods. Continue practising proper oral hygiene habits, including regular brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash. Attend follow-up appointments as advised to monitor your progress and address any lingering issues.


Dental emergencies can be distressing, but knowing how to access immediate care is crucial for prompt relief and optimal oral health. By understanding what qualifies as a dental emergency, preparing an emergency dental kit, seeking temporary relief at home, contacting your dentist, and locating emergency dental clinics, you can ensure timely treatment. Remember to inquire about fees and financing options and maintain good oral hygiene after receiving emergency care.


How do I know if my dental issue is an emergency?

Dental emergencies typically involve severe pain, bleeding, or injury to the teeth, gums, or mouth. If you’re unsure, it’s best to contact your dentist for guidance.

What should I include in an emergency dental kit?

An emergency dental kit should contain sterile gauze, a small container with a lid, over-the-counter pain relievers, a dental mirror, and your dentist’s contact information.

Can I go to the emergency room for a dental emergency?

While some emergency rooms can provide temporary relief, it’s generally recommended to seek dental care from an emergency dental clinic or your dentist.

How can I finance emergency dental care?

Inquire about the fees and payment options at the dental clinic. Some clinics offer financing plans, accept credit cards, or may have other arrangements available.

Is it necessary to visit the dentist after an emergency dental treatment?

It’s crucial to attend any follow-up appointments as advised by your dentist to monitor your progress and address any lingering issues.